Wednesday, December 31, 2008

California kid in Utah

Rick, Alicia, Tanner, Bridger, and Fischer arrived at our house and the snow on Sun., Dec. 21th. The boys loved the snow. Tanner and Bridger got themselves ready and went outside to play and Fischer got himself ready too!


Halfadozen said...

I just happened by this sight and wanted to drop you a note. You are so blessed to have a familf that seems to love each other so much. Also my name is Carl Fischer. No really it is. Any body named August? It's my middle name. Have a Happy New Year. Carl Fischer

lovejoys said...

This is why you need to go private because who is this guy leaving comments on your page? Creepy.

Having fun in tropical Hawaii. Read my comment about Brighton. I couldn't understand why they only had her dressed in a onesie? I was confused at her being so cold and I forget they live in Hawaii. Oh man what a life.
